Tools For Medical Personnel

At the Sacramento Opioid Coalition, we know that engaging our medical community is one of the best ways to increase opioid prevention and increase the use of early intervention.  Here, we have compiled a list of tools and information that will best help medical personnel prepare and reduce Opioid Overdoses. Please also see our Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) Programs & Access page.

New California Guidelines for Prescribing Controlled Substances for Pain from July 2023.

CURES 2.0 (Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System) is a database of Schedule II, III and IV controlled substance prescriptions dispensed in California . It is mandatory to use in in California!

Link to CURES 2.0 Fact Sheet 


Register for CURES here!

Link to SSVMS Guidelines 

Sierra Sacramento Medical Valley Society created a Primary Care Guidelines Flowchart to aid providers in treating chronic non-cancer pain.

Alternative Medicine Campaign Poster

Prescribers can help avoid Opioid Use Disorder before it starts by informing patients of their full range of options when it comes to pain management. This PSA flyer can aid in starting that discussion.

You don’t need to be certified if you prescribe buprenorphine to less than 30 patients. If you want to help more people, get certified today!

Go to SAMHSA’s Become a Buprenorphine Waivered Practitioner to learn more today. 


MAT Resources

Find prescribers in California on this google Map.  Find prescribers at SAMHSA Buprenorphine Practitioner Locator

MAT Handout, SCOC

Medication Assisted Treatment, Partnership for Drug Free Kids

Buprenorphine and the Opioid Crisis 2018, Congressional Research Service

Medications for Addiction Treatment, Shatterproof

How Do Medications Treat Opioid Use Disorder? Department of Human and Health Services

Sacramento Urban Health Institute 2019 Fact Sheet 

Myths About MAT, The National Council

MAT Pocket Guide, SAMHSA

California MAT Expansion Project, Department of Health Care Services

Attitudes and Barriers Toward Buprenorphine Prescriptions in El Dorado and Sacramento County

Xylazine Articles and Wound Care Information

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