Get Help
Opioid Use Disorder affects us all. If you need help to get treatment for you or someone you know, here are some helpful resources.
If you need to talk to someone now, call the Sacramento County Helpline (888) 881-4881
Access Local Treatment Services
Sacramento Community Resource List with Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Services: GI-BHS-SUPT-Community-Resource-List.pdf
Sacramento County Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Services has a range of options for those with Substance Use Disorder (SUD). Contact them to get an assessment, referral, and treatment with local service providers.
Any adult or youth experiencing substance use problems who resides in Sacramento County is eligible if their insurance covers these services. Many of these services are covered through Drug Medi-Cal.
Map of treatment providers
Website: Sacramento County Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Services
Address: 3321 Power Inn Road, Suite 120 Sacramento, CA 95826. Open from 8:00am -5:00pm
Phone: (916) 874 – 9754 If seeking resources for Adults 18+. (916) 875-0185 If seeking resources for Youth
[Media Sources: Priority Preference Letter, Alcohol and Drug Services Priority Preference Flyer, Alcohol and Drug Services Youth Treatment Services Flyer]
This map will help you find physical facilities that offer helpful treatments: Substance Use facilities, mental health facilities, health care centers, buprenorphine practitioners (physicians who can offer Medication Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder) and Veteran Affairs facilities.
Only Prescribers with X-Waivered certifications can offer those with Opioid Use Disorder MAT.
List of Sacramento County Medication-Assisted Treatment Providers
Map and List of Buprenorphine Prescribers in California
Prescribers, learn about how you can offer MAT at SAMHSA.
Find more prescribers at SAMHSA Buprenorphine Practitioner Locator
Find Local Support Centers
Harm reduction services offer support and unique services like needle exchange. Below is a list and map of organizations that offer Harm Reduction Services. Also on the map are Community-Based Agencies that offer more treatment services.
Map of Harm Reduction Services Centers and Community Based Agencies
Click here to see the list of Sacramento County Community Based Agencies
Chemical Dependency Recovery at Kaiser
Co-Dependents Anonymous
Cocaine Anonymous
Dual Recovery Anonymous
Life Ring
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
Nar-Anon for Family and Friends
Narcotics Anonymous
Rational Recovery
This search tool can help you find treatment centers near you. Just put in your zip code
Phone 916 -456-4849
Address 2800 Stockton Blvd Sacramento, CA 95817
Hours Mon –Fri : 2:00PM – 6:00PM
Safe Alternatives Thru Networking and Education
Website https://www.cleanneedles.o
Phone (916) 397-2434
Address 4433 Florin Rd, Ste 740, Sacramento , CA 95823
Hours Tues – Sat 2pm – 6pm
Phone Tues – Sat 10am – 8Pm
Phone 916.455.2391
Address 2020 29th Street, Suite 201
Sacramento, CA 95817
Harm Reduction M-F 12pm-3pm
Phone Hours M-F 9am-5pm
Phone 916-427-4653
Address 4433 Florin Rd., Ste. 860 Sacramento CA 95823
Hours Mon – Fri 10am – 5pm
How to Support the People in Recovery
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration leads our nations public health efforts to advance the behavioral health. They have many web pages and reports on recovery and what how family, and the community can aid in recovery.
Website: SAMHSA Recovery and Recovery Support
NIDA is leading Federal agency supporting scientific research on drug use and has a wealth of information on recovery and how to support the recovering.
Website: NIDA Recovery
Website: NIDA Parents and Educators
This Drug Enforcement Agency website is a valuable resource for parents, educators and caregivers to get up-to-date information on emerging drug trends and best practices to keep our communities safe. The website also offers a comprehensive guide on commonly used drugs.
You Can Prevent Youth RX Drug Abuse Campaign, Sacramento County
Omni Youth Programs mission is to create strong families, develop youth leaders and engage the community to prevent youth alcohol, marijuana & other drug use. Omni Youth is partnered with Sacramento County Public Health Services.
Home | Song for Charlie | Non-Profit Charity
Song for Charlie with experts, educators, parents and other influencers to reach the most vulnerable group: young people between the ages 13-30.Our programs highlight the emerging dangers of self-medication and casual drug use in the fentanyl era and encourage healthier strategies for coping with stress.
Mental Health Guide for Veterans here provided by Camp Lejuene Claims Center.
BOCA Recovery Center – Breaks down research and discusses the varying relationship between physical disability and substance use.
Safe Pain Management
- The Unexpected Diversity of Pain, Scientific American Jan, 2020
- The Burden of Back Pain, Economist Jan 2020
- The Enduring Mystery of Pain Measurement, Jan 2017
- Treating Chronic Pain with Medication, The Atlantic, Apl 2014
Sacramento Pain Management Directory is a list of providers curated to help you manage your pain.
Safe Disposal
Store Medications in a Safe Location
It is important to keep medications out of reach of those who could misuse them. This includes children, teenagers and even adults who might be attempted to take them. Find out more here
Medication lock boxes are a great option to provide additional security, especially if you live in a communal space, such as a dorm.
Only Dispose of Controlled Substances in Safe Disposal Sites
There are many sites to drop off unwanted/unused medications. See the list below. If you can’t find a site to dispose of your unwanted medications, learn about your other options at this FDA site.
Do Not Share Medication
Never share your prescription medication. Prescriptions are only written when a doctor deems it absolutely necessary. Medications are harmful when someone takes ones that are not prescribed to them.
Sacramento County Safe Medication Disposal Kiosks
Dispose of controlled prescription medications in safe medical collection sites to protect our community from substance abuse. Not sure if your medication is a controlled substance? Here is a list of controlled prescription medications
Map of Safe Medication Disposal Kiosks
List of Safe Medication Disposal Kiosks
Don’t Rush to Flush Drug Disposal Locator
The Don’t Rush to Flush website offers a map and easy instructions on how to easily dispose of unwanted medications in the state of California. California Product Steward Council (CPSC) created this resource.
DEA Safe Disposal Locator
Website: Controlled Substance Public Disposal Locations
This website has a list and maps of collectors authorized by the DEA to takeback-controlled substances.
Here are DEA Drug Disposal Guidelines to that give clear steps on what to do to prepare for disposal.

No matter the precaution, the risk when using opioids is always high.
The best way to stay safe is to not use opioids unless they are medically prescribed by your doctor.
There are still resources to help those who aren’t ready for treatment.
- Carry naloxone with you.
- An overdose can become a death in just minutes. Naloxone can reverse it. You can find Naloxone at local pharmacies often without a prescription.
- Don’t Use Alone.
- Overdose deaths happen when there is no one there to help.
- Utilize sterile equipment
- Some Harm Reduction Service Centers offer support and services such as clean needle exchange and naloxone kits.
- Know what you are taking.
- Deaths from synthetic opioids like Fentanyl are increasing. It is often laced into other drugs, so many people do not know when they are taking it.
- Always Call for Help.
- California Good Samaritan law provides protection from prosecution for those seeking emergency medical assistance during an overdose.