About Us


Medical Personnel

Law Enforcement

Community Members

Who Are We?

The Sacramento County Opioid Coalition is a collaboration of healthcare professionals, community based organizations, law enforcement, county agencies, and concerned citizens determined to turn the tide of our opioid epidemic. We are committed to saving lives by preventing overdoses through expanding treatment access, promoting safe disposal, encouraging early intervention, treatment and recovery, enhancing opioid surveillance, and expanding public education through outreach.

The Coalition’s mission is to save lives by reducing opioid misuse, overdose, and stigma through community collaboration.

What Does the Coalition Do?

The Sacramento County Opioid Coalition Members meet quarterly. During our meetings we discuss current projects and future action, member feedback is crucial to the success of the coalition. At each meeting we invite experts in their field to present and ignite discussion on emerging issues.

Why Do We Need A Coalition?

Opioid Use Disorder affects everyone in Sacramento County. It will take all of us to make the difference. By gathering to discuss current issues, coordinating our goals, and making a collective plan, we pool our expertise and resources into effective action. With our organizations working together, we have been able to make a much larger impact than if each individual organization had worked on their own.


Sacramento County Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Services began meeting in Fall 2015 to plan the launch of this coalition.

Data Shows Need for Action

Sacramento County Public Health developed the Sacramento County Opioid Prescription Drug Monitoring Surveillance Report, a valuable assessment tool that catalyzed the formation of the coalition.

First SCOC Meeting

Out first Coalition meeting was the February of 2016, with over 80 stakeholders from multiple sectors represented.

Project: Safe Prescribing

The Coalition educated over 500 physicians on safe prescribing practices.

New Grant

The Coalition received the California Department of Public Health Opioid Coalition Grant for 2017-2019.

Naloxone Distribution Project

Through a grant from the California Department of Public Health, the county received 2,900 doses (1,450 2-dose kits) of Naloxone nasal spray, an opioid overdose reversal drug. This was distributed to law enforcement, Harm Reduction Services (HRS), and Safer Alternatives Thru Networking & Education (SANE).

Project: Early Intervention Promotion

Early intervention and treatment resource lists were shared and distributed to law enforcement, emergency departments, and community service providers.

Key Progress

The Coalition worked to increase safe drug disposal kiosks and host drug take-back events.

We also expanded and increased the use of medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder.

Gathering Local Data

We conducted a survey for 92 pharmacies on availability and knowledge of Naloxone.

We surveyed 34 X-waivered physicians on attitudes and barriers towards buprenorphine prescriptions.

Promoting Alternative Pain Management

Printed and distributed the “Got Pain, There is No Magic Pill” campaign flyers to clinician offices and pharmacies.

Name Update

"The Sacramento County Opioid Task Force" was changed to "The Sacramento County Opioid Coalition."

Launched Online Presence

Established social media presence by creating this website and a Facebook and Twitter account.

Project: Medication - Assisted Treatment Sheet

Created and distributed a Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) handout defining the different FDA-approved medications for substance use disorder. We also shared these resources to MAT providers in Sacramento County.


Began Partnership with the Americorps VISTA Program.

New Training Opportunities

Increased training on local treatment resources, and also networked to educate various stakeholder groups on the types of treatments available.

Sacramento Opioid Awareness Summit

The Coalition collaborated with local government agencies, schools, and non-profits to organize the Sacramento Opioid Awareness Summit to launch a large-scale discussion on opioid use prevention, treatment, and enforcement efforts.

Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Surveillance

The Coalition initiates a project to improve surveillance on Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS). Babies exposed to opioids and drugs during their mother's pregnancy face a group of complications, and gathering more data on the issue in our community will help us create effective action plans. 

Safe Disposal Kiosks

The Coalition works with local businesses to install safe disposal kiosks. Safe disposal of medications and sharps protect our community from drug misuse and the spread of infections or disease. 

Anti-Stigma Campaign

The Coalition plans an Anti-Stigma Campaign to spread awareness and education of Opioid Use Disorder. 

Control Your Pain, Don’t Let it Control You Poster Campaign

Posters were distributed to local clinics and physician offices to raise awareness on available, low barrier alternative pain management options.

Animated Public Service Ads Social Media Campaign

Coalition produced and disseminated prevention information and short videos focusing on opioids, getting help, and the rising dangers of Fentanyl.

Narcan Access

The Coalition works with local school districts to increase Narcan availability and acceptance in schools, changing the Naloxone policy at over 120 campuses.

MAT Pregnancy Program with Sacramento County and SSVMS

The Coalition was given a grant from the Sacramento County Health and Human Services department to work with the Sierra Sacramento Valley Medical Society to provide free trainings to hospital systems, clinics, and physicians on Medication-Assisted Treatment for Pregnant women. 

Gone Too Soon Memoiral Project

 The Coalition started the Gone Too Soon Memorial Poster Project to remember those who lost their lives to opioids in the Sacramento region.

Opioid Awareness Summit for Educators

The Coalition works with the DEA to put on an educator's awareness summit to increase opioid prevention for our local youth.

Narcan Distribution

The Coalition successfully distributes over 2,000 Narcan Kits into the community though presentations and outreach: Harm Reduction in the Age of Fentanyl.

Partnership with Monarch Recovery Centers

The Coalition partners with Monarch Sober Living Homes to host Hear to Heal, a safe haven support group for family and friends who have lost loved ones to opioid overdose. 

Fentanyl Awareness Summit

The Coalition Partners with Sacramento County Substance Use Prevention and Treatment department to host the Fentanyl Awareness Summit in August at Sacramento State University. 

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