Narcan Kits

The Goal of These Kits: To provide our community with the ability to recognize and respond to an opioid overdose, utilizing harmless, non-addictive nasal spray Naloxone.

What is Naloxone? (brand name Narcan): Narcan is a completely harmless, non-addictive, and potentially lifesaving nasal spray designed to help reverse the effects of an opioid overdose in minutes. Since most opioid overdoses occur in the home and are most often witnessed, having a Narcan rescue kit nearby can make all the difference. Learn more at:

Why should I have it? As the ease to purchase counterfeit pills online and fentanyl-related poisonings have risen dramatically in communities locally and nationwide, it is vital for those who work or raise youth to have Narcan on-hand. Providing the education and ability to save lives into the hands of our youth creates a more informed, caring community, and emboldens all who are affected by the opioid epidemic.

Narcan Kits Distributed

What's inside?

1 Box of Narcan with 2 Naloxone Nasal Spray 4mg Doses

Quick Start Guide and Mythbusters (See Below)

1 CPR Face Mask Key Chain with instructions

2 Alcohol Wipes for cleaning face and hands

1 SCOC Vanilla Chapstick

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Enjoy these Narcan Flyers in additional languages:


     Narcan causes no harm! Safe for pets/children/or those suffering from an OD from something else.


     Know the California Good Samaritan Law-all parties are protected even with drugs @ the scene.


     After 13 min of no oxygen-the brain cannot recover. Rescue breathing, chest compressions are the most important part!


     Sometimes it takes multiple doses to revive someone-so keep giving every 2-3 minutes until EMS shows up. Doses may only last anywhere from 30-90       minutes, so keep an eye on your person in case they go back into OD.


     Narcan has a shelf life of up to 20 years-w/ an A grade of 90% effectiveness -ignore the expiration date or donate to your local harm reduction       center.


     Too hot or too cold? Not a thing! Studies have shown Naloxone is extremely resilient and will not lose potency due to exposure to varying  temps.


     Narcan is available at most pharmacies in CA & is now over the counter.


Community Resources

Harm Reduction Centers and Youth Rehab in Sacramento

Diamond House: Adult and Adolescent Outpatient Detox Treatment Program (Ages 14+)

7880 Alta Valley Drive Suite 107, Sacramento, CA 95823
Director of Business Development: Clare Brown Direct: 800-205-6107, Cell: 916-897-6653 Email: [email protected]

Monarch Sober Living Homes (SLE) & Outpatient Treatment Centers

2020 Hurley Way Suite 145, Sacramento, CA 95825

Harm Reduction Services

2800 Stockton Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95817 Mon-Fri 12pm-6pm Phone (916) 456-4849

SANE – Safer Alternatives Thru Networking

2211 Del Paso Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95815. Tues-Sat 3pm-6pm Phone: (916) 665-8221
For even more resources, check out the rest of our website!
Beige Hands and Brush Stroke Free Reiki Healing Workshop Flier

* Support for this resource was provided by the California Overdose Prevention Network, a project of the PHI Center for Health Leadership and Impact. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of PHI.

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